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About Media Canada Technologies

Evolve. Adapt. Integrate.
Company Info
Evolve. Adapt. Integrate.
Survival and success depend on these values. MCT recognizes the importance of changing with the times. And we actively apply this process to our growing company.
Media Canada Technologies (MCT) was founded in 2002 with the objective of giving our customers high quality products at competitive prices, backed up by superb service.
From started one office in Markham, Ontario, MCT has grown into a full service national distributor from coast to coast. Our customers are able to enjoy the detailed attention typical of a local supplier, and yet are able to benefit from the buying power of a national organization. All our products are supported by a group of sales and service teams, which provide pre- and post- sales support to all of our customers.
The MCT has the power to perform – the power to get the job done. Proven by our ability to serve the needs of ALL of our customers from small entrepreneurial companies to the largest corporations. The unique relationship that we forge with leading manufacturers enables us to get the best results for our customers. We pride ourselves on the diversity of the stock we hold and everything advertised can be delivered directly from our warehouse. We believe that our expertise & experience is channeled to serve our customers better than anyone else in the business. Our vision for the MCT is to be regarded as an exceptional service organization, not the biggest just the best.
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